Pale moon windows vista
Pale moon windows vista

pale moon windows vista

With the Platform Update, Vista even supports Directwrite font rendering, DirectX 11, and received many new Windows 7 APIs that make it almost identical to at least Windows 7 RTM. Windows Vista and 7 are particularly very similar compared to other Windows versions. Vista started a new foundation, Windows NT 6.0, and all subsequent versions, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 (which are NT 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, and 10.0 respectively) have all built on this foundation, and as a result, share much of the same code and remain a close sibling to Vista (especially Windows 7). Windows Vista however, is a different story. I'm also willing to bet that developing for XP was difficult and costly since it's based on the old Windows NT 5.x kernel. As we all know, Windows XP faced the same fate back in April of 2014, and as a result, the main branch of Pale Moon stopped supporting it. Unfortunately, while it may seem impossible to believe, Windows Vista is now coming close to the end of its extended support phase, and will stop receiving security updates on April 11, 2017, just one year and four months from now. I know that this operating system is not particularly loved by very many or widely used these days, but I believe as an operating system, after SP1 and SP2 were released, Vista became a very stable and usable OS, with the Platform Update improving it even further. Hello all, I wasn't really sure where to post this, but anyway here goes.Īs my username suggests, I am still a proud user of Windows Vista.

Pale moon windows vista